Workstation Bracket Product Test Data
Results of Load Testing our Workstation Brackets
You can view specific bracket test date here: Bracket Test Results

Twelve sizes of our workstation brackets were load tested using the following method. The brackets were loaded for testing on the long side of the bracket (which would always be used as the support side) and the short side of the bracket down the wall. In addition, we stipulated that the load be applied at the center of the long arm, which mimics loading conditions seen in practice.
Note that since the brackets are reversible, this method does result in a lower load testing limit than would be experienced by testing the brackets with the long arm down the wall and using the short arm as the support arm.
The brackets were then each mounted in the fixture prepared for use with the Riehle Universal Testing Machine. Loading was applied to each of the specimens until bending occurred in the sample. As the samples did not crack or break (the failure mechanism was ductile in nature) the load up to deformation for each specimen was recorded. The results for all 12 sizes tested from the 5”x8” to the 29” x 35” brackets ranged from 1520 - Load to Deformation (lbf)/Pair to 2920 - Load to Deformation (lbf)/Pair. Detailed information is available upon request.
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